Monday, June 29, 2009
hey people!!!!!
it's the first day of school after the june hols for most of us! XD
i know alot of you feel tired, and are still in the holiday mood!
time to wake up!!! XD let's really all get geared up for this new term ahead of us ya? this next half of the year shall be better than the last half of the year!
bt in order for that to happen, WE gotta make tat happen! so friends! let's really get ready for school and shine for God in all areas ya? we shall be the head and not the tail!
we may have done badly for the last semester.. bt fret not! this next semester WILL definitely be better!
let's all really grow more, both in our studies and spiritually ya? not only will we study hard, we'll pray hard too!
we shall be a loving cell group, whereby we'll pray for each other ya?
like what most of us have learnt in Getting Started lesson 9.. it's important to communicate with your fellow peers in christ, for only then are you able to connect to God! so friends! let's all begin to show more care and concern for each other this semester ya? reach out to each other!
~rAch <333
Friday, June 26, 2009
HEY GUYS ! ! ! !
next week we are having our very own
its a time where we people from WYZ of service 1
come and have our very own service !
and it is purely run by WYZ people only !
and it is the first time we ever have our own service !
and you know what?,
when is it ?
4th July
where is it ?
Jurong West St 91 Main Audi
what time is it ?
its a new program that the leaders of our Church had came out with
to pray up our spiritual life and pray for the Church
every cell group will be standing in the gap for 1 of the days
our cell group will be praying on
Date: 9th July
Time: 8 ~ 9 pm
Location: @ Jurong West Church
OVERNIGHT PRAYER MEETINGThere will be a Overnight Prayer Meeting
on 1 July
@ Jurong West Main Audi
there will be 2 time slot for the OPM
1) 9pm ~ 11pm
2) 11pm~3am (consent form needed!)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
hey guys!!!!
do take note that this week is the zone weekend!!! our zone will be hosting our very own service!!! so let's really support our zone by bringing loads n loads of friends okie? XD n yeas! don't just bring ur friends! bring ur voices as well! talk to the friends n become their friends! prepare to cheer loudly for our cellgroup too! ;D
our zone will also be having an event:

Date: 27 June [this sat]
Time: 6pm-8pm [after svc]
Venue: B4
it's gonna be greater and better! so guys! let's really reach out to our friends ya? but invite them from the bottom of ur heart! and do show them that u love them and want to be their friend, instead of just wanting them to come for service yepps!
*other up-coming events... XD
Faith Camp cum Sec Sch Prayer Meeting
Date: 25 june, Thursday[this]
Time: 4pm-5.30pm
Venue: EXPO Conf room 1
guys! let's really make an effort to go for this prayer meeting yea? it'll be great to stir and arouse the faith that has subsided since the camp! let's really go and experience spiritual breakthroughs in our lives! it's time for us to set aside more time for the kingdom of God!
Song of Solomon BS [5th n LAST session!!!]
Date: 25 june, Thursday[this]
Time: 7.30pm-10.30pm
*there'll be a break at 9.30, whereby u can leave early if u need to
Venue: EXPO hall 1
yepps! it's already the last session! n it'll be by PASTOR KONG!!! the people who have gone for at least one session are all greatly blessed by it! what more say the people who have faithfully gone for all 4 till now? bt fret not friends! for u still have 1 LAST SESSION!!! let's not miss this great oppurtunity yea? people from all other parts of the world are jumping at every oppurtunity to listen to Pastor Kong's preaching! let's really not take Pastor Kong as our very own pastor as granted yea? let's really be so much more hungry for the word of God and to get to know so much more about Him yea? so friends! i'll really like to encourage you guys to try to make it for this LAST bible study of SOS!!! come to njoy the humorous side of Pastor Kong, and of course, the WORD OF GOD..
-rAch XD
hey guys! :Dedwin just came back from medan on sunday let me share with you something he shared with us today!the first place they went was the children's church the most touching thing was the kids there are only four or five years old!and guess what they are already on their knees praising the Lord with all their heart !some had tears in their eyes .to them God is really someone who cares for them and they just want to praise Him tho some of them were ophans ,they receive more than enough love from God. great is the Lord!if four five years old children can do it how abt the us youths? like edwin said lets have child-like faith like them yep? :Dlets really put our faith in Him and believe Him for a mighty breakthrough in our cg !we shall love Him with all our heart and shine for Him in whatever we do yup? sch's reopen-ing soondon moan and groan!if u haven done well the previous term here's another chance!lets really shine for the Lord in our schs yeah? lets reach out to our frens and see a mighty revival in ur schs!wendy :D
Monday, June 22, 2009

EDWIN!!! W453 missed you loads!!! n yea! we wanna wish u a,
thank you sooooo much for being such a wonderful leader to us all!!!
You truly resemble a father to us all in the cellgroup!
here, we just wanna thank you for always being there for us!
-rAch representing th cg~