Group E isn't about to make showcase their talents, make a production or do dime-stops.
However, all of us being slightly more mature in age, has thought of bringing some knowledge to the cell group, wherefore bore forth this brain child of ours -
Christianity Fact Mania.
Did you know that there is a Christian Angelic Hierachy in heaven?
The Assumption of the Virgin, showing three hierarchies, and nine orders of angels, each with different characteristics.If you would look at this picture carefully, you would see
Three Spheres of Angels on the sky in the background.
The First Sphere consists of the Seraphim, the Cherubim, Erelim, and they function mainly as heavenly guardians of God's throne.
Seraphs belong to the
highest order, or angelic choir, of the hierachy. They are said to be the
caretakers of God's throne, continuously singing
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, which means "holy, holy, holy.
"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His Glory" - Isaiah 6:3. This chanting is referred to as the Trisagon. They are
identified by their iconic
6 wings and light radiating from their face.
Trivia: the word "Seraphic" originated from them!
Cherubs are only next to the Seraphim. Contrary to popular belief, biblical prophet Ezekiel describes the cherubim as a tetrad of living creatures,
each having four faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man,
rather than having a pudgy face an miniature body (therefore be mindful when you use the word "Cherubic").
The Second Sphere consists of the Dominions, Virtues, Power, and they function mainly as heavenly governors.
The Third Sphere consists of the Principalities, Archangels, Angels, and they function mainly as heavenly messengers and soldiers.
Michael the Archangel.Archangels are the
highest ranking angels. Most of us have heard of Michael the archangel. There is actually a system of 7 archangels which are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Zerachiel and Remiel.
Angels are the ones that we are most familiar with. They are most concerned with the affairs of living things and are sent as
messengers to humankind.
Did you know that Christianity and Catholicism are very much different?Catholicism and Biblical Christianity are divergent religions.
They are built on different foundations, and they propose different ways of salvation. In principle,
Christianity is built solely on the Holy Scriptures, the written Word of God. The Bible is our only infallible rule of faith, being sufficient to give us the sure knowledge of the Gospel for our salvation and holiness. Roman Catholicism demands submission of the intellect and will to the doctrines taught by the Roman magisterium (the Pope and bishops).
As expected, since the foundations are different, so also are the edifices built upon them.
Christianity stands on the Gospel of God's sovereign grace. In love, God predestines His chosen ones to be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ, their sole mediator. The Son became man and gave His life as a ransom to secure their freedom from sin. Being dead in sin, they are completely unable to convert ourselves or merit God's favour. Therefore God graciously grants His people repentance and faith to turn to Him and trust in Christ Jesus for salvation.
Believers are accepted in Christ, solely on the merit of His righteousness and blood, and not because of any goodness or human merit. God also resides in His people by the Holy Spirit, enabling them to obey and glorify the Father, and to guarantee their inheritance in heaven forever.Roman Catholicism's "gospel" is not good news at all. The Roman institution, calling itself "The Church", usurps Christ's mediatorial office, proclaiming herself as the "sacrament of salvation." The "Church" dispenses salvation to her faithful in small portions, starting at baptism and continuing throughout life. Forgiveness can only be obtained through the sacrament of penance. The benefits of Christ's sacrifice are accessible through the sacrifice of the Mass.
Instead of teaching the faithful to rest in Christ by faith, Catholics are taught to perform religious works to "merit grace" and to do penance to make satisfaction. Even after death, Catholics remains dependent on the "Church" to relieve their suffering in Purgatory by masses and indulgences.See the very fundamental differences here?
Did you know that Christianity and Islam are disparate religions, albeit sharing some roots of the Abrahamic faith?Christianity and Islam, though closely related in some aspects, are quite different from each other. Their theological differences have caused quite a stir between religious leaders and their followers.
The faith of Muslims is based on the works of accomplishing the five pillars of Islam. Christianity, on the contrary, it based on faith that people can be freed from their sin by the blood of Christ Jesus.
The most significant difference is the pillar that admonishes "There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet". Muhammed specified that God does not have a son. Because of this,
there is no redemption from sin in Islam. Salvation comes by works which never carry an assurance of being good enough unless one were to die for Allah.
Christianity, on the other hand, follows the Lord God of Israel. Christians believe that God sent His Son to Earth to be the atonement for sin. The entire Bible is focused on the gospel, meaning “good news.” To be a Christian, there is no need to eat a certain type of food, visit a certain place, die in a Jihad, or meticulously follow some sort of ritual washing or prayer. On the contrary, all a person needs to do is accept the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. The Great Commission to all Christians states, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20, NKJV.
In conclusion, Islam and Christianity are very different, not only do they focus on different aspects, but they also worship entirely different gods.
It is so good to know that abundant life and salvation does not rest on the human ability to do good works. Salvation is a gift that can never be lost, nor does it expire or become invalid once you do something wrong.Group E earnestly hope that you will benefit from what we have shared and grew in knowledge! Ignorance, albeit a bliss, is never good. As followers of Christ, we need to be equipped fully in knowledge!
Group E hereby bids adieu.
Done by: Felicia, Janice, Rosalyn, Wayne

Hey guys this are the pictures from the awesome day at Sentosa Raiders!!

Zhang Yu poses for the camera...oooh

OMG so CUTE...(well at least he is trying XD)

Listen up people we're gonna have fun!

All the teams playing the ice-breaker game.


Lets slack a wee bit before we set off...hehe

Time to set off team 26!!

Chopstick -POWER-!

Come and get it red beans!Red BEANS!

Popular to contrary belief grains of sand and red beans are not good for your health.

Careful Hui Wen don't tip over and spill the beans(pun intended XD).

Sliding the beans into the bottle.

That's alot of beans!

Mhhh...exquisite! Anyone hungry?

No no Gary your mouth is in the middle of your face not on your cheek!

A Sentosa raider is a happy raider!
What does the puzzle say?

"I hear voices in my head telling me to strangle...i mean snuggle..."
CG photos!