Hello guys! At last, after nearly 4 months, this blog is up and awake! Good luck to all those who are still studying hard for their tests. Study hard and do well to glorify God yeah? :D
Here are the pictures taken during the W453 BBQ. Personally, I feel that the BBQ was a huge success and the response was overwhelming. Thanks to all those who put in effort to organise this event, to buy food, to take the opportunity to invite your friends AND a big big thanks to those who helped BBQ the food. If it weren't for you, we would have been eating beehoon, spaghetti and fried rice lol :D ( I don't dare to list the names, lest I miss out anybody's.)
A few of us arrived early to prepare the food and start the fire. Oh boy, Chao Chung did get his hands dirty, all thanks to the charcoals. Hehehehe. The food was mouth-watering. Yummy yum yum! It took quite awhile for all of us, including the guests, to get settled down and warm up among themselves. Fellowship with the guests was awesome and we got to widen our circle of friends. :D
Pics time! :D

:D :D :D